I didn't think I could for a long time either. It's a hard place to be.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
We KNOW who they are
by DonJuel infolks!
we need to unite on this one.
all of us know names of elders and others inside the tower who are child molesters in different parts of the world..... now that we have some allied out there in cyberspace i would like us to make the most of it.... everyone who knows names and addresses to pedophiles inside the tower...now is the time to act!
Mickey mouse
Has anyone made a "Botchtower" or "Asleep" using correct fonts and style?
by Balaamsass ini am looking for a 1-2 page pdf or jpg i can copy and leave at donut shops early saturdays that will create a stir and be irresistable to young jws.. articles like "coffee breaks and true christians" , "donut fractions and true chistianity " "sparlock abandons olympics to pioneer" " should elders carry milliondollar liability policies" -" governing body approved sex positions for christians" punch line/cartoon on back with web links.
to cedars video, jw facts, here or a comic site.
teenage jws, hell all jws will pocket the flyer if possible and check out the links.. have any of our talented members done something like this in the past?
Mickey mouse
You need to download some Witchtowers, look through threads started by processor, this stuff is gold.
An example: http://prozessor.bplaced.net/pdf/witchtower_04_2010.pdf
2009 and 2010 'bound volumes' http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/social/humour/205053/1/THE-WITCHTOWER-bound-volumes-2009-and-2010-now-available-Revised-version
About Anonymous they are working on things as we speak!
by life is to short insoldier 77 just posted this about two hours ago but i think his post got lost is the great debate and straw mans that another posters was throwing around.. anyway i hope soldier 77 does not mind if i make a thread from his insight.
soldier 77 "this seems to have missed in the tangent argument going on: http://pastebin.com/3nitctlf.
anonymous are needing some more people on the inside to help.
Mickey mouse
This is Lorenz Reibling on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lorenz.reibling?ref=ts
Introducing Mrs Cedars...
by cedars ini just thought you should know that mrs cedars has finally taken the plunge and joined the forum.
she was able to log on for the first time yesterday.. though we both "awakened" at different stages, mrs cedars was very supportive and non-judgmental when i first began exploring my beliefs from a critical standpoint.
she is currently in the process of reading crisis of conscience and aquainting herself with some of the facts of witness history that were hitherto unknown.
Mickey mouse
Welcome Mrs Cedars.
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks inhttp://www.bit.ly/jwleaks-anonymous.
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
update on my boy
by Aussie Oz inmy son came to visit today, he and i are getting a lot closer since he left his jw home and thanks largely to his mother and step father alienating him big time.
he needs one of his parents to help him out at times and he can't turn to his mother.
thats sad but its her loss, and his i guess.. anyway, he recently got himself a girlfriend, a worldly girl at that.
Mickey mouse
Sounds like he's well on his way to freedom.
Mickey mouse
Brother you are irregular. We would like to assist you in getting back out in Jehovah's service.
Latest WT: "Refusing to appear before a JC is like refusing medical treatment"
by cedars inin the latest october 15th 2012 watchtower (page 13).... "because of what they perceive as defects in the elders, some individuals who engage in serious wrongdoing in the congregation have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them.
this could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctor.".
sounds like they're now trying to stigmatize those who try to avoid judical action.
Mickey mouse
And then sometimes the threat of a JC results in hospitalisation. How ironic.
It's a longshot, but does anyone know what this old tool/part is?
by ataloa ini've googled this a couple of weeks; but still have no idea.
found this when i tore an old building down.
anyone have an idea?
Mickey mouse